A medical biller’s guide

Best practices to grow revenue

In December 2023, Tebra surveyed over 100 medical billers to conduct a critical analysis of the challenges and opportunities in the medical billing landscape for 2024. What we found? Amidst rising operational costs and shifting patient debt dynamics, billing companies must adopt innovative strategies to enhance growth and revenue more than ever.

Consider: When Tebra surveyed billing companies in the winter of 2022, 30% anticipated 6-10% and another 38% were expecting growth of 11%+. But 52% of billing companies surveyed this year only saw revenue growth of 5% or less.

Download the guide to get a detailed roadmap to navigating the complexities of the current economic environment and exploiting emerging opportunities for sustainable growth.

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Tebra conducted a 40-question survey targeting owners, operators, and managers of medical billing companies across the United States. The survey was active between December 1, 2023, and December 21, 2023, and was distributed to both current Tebra customers and industry association databases. There was a response from 101 companies.

What you'll get

Growth expectations vs. reality

Dive into the gap between projected and actual revenue growth in 2023 – and anticipated substantial revenue boost in 2024 despite underperforming in 2023.

Revenue opportunities

Explore untapped revenue streams, such as charging setup fees and minimum monthly service charges, specialization, and add-on services such as credentialing and marketing consulting.

Strategic partnerships

Discover how to enhance service offerings and client satisfaction, plus the advantages of partnering with start-up practices and specialized billing areas.

Automation and tech adoption

Learn how you can utilize automation, AI, and RPA to streamline workflows and onboard practices to new technologies such as digital intake.